



Husband & Wife Roleplay and Flirty Dirty Sex on an Uninhabited Island with Two Busty Married Sisters








Sorry to drop this on you but, I got stranded at sea and now I'm studk on a deserted island.
sorry to drop this on you いきなりこんなことを言って申し訳ありません。
stranded 身動きが取れなくなる,座礁する
studk そこで足止めされる
deserted island 無人島


Bingo! Lunch!


And on top of that...


Good work!


I'm also with these two married sisters wearing skimpy bikinis.
married 結婚した状態にある
skimpy 露出度が高い


Sorry to make you do all the fishing...


That's our big bro!


You're already a pro at this!



Both of them are my childhood friends.


The one with the ponytail is Nozomi.
with the ponytail でポニーテールの人を表すことができます。
⇒the one つまり幼馴染の一人がポニーテールだということを言っています。


She was actually my first crush.
my first crush 初恋の人


I never had the courage to ask her out though, and by the time we were adults she got taken by another man...
courage 勇気
ask her out 交際を申し込む,デートに誘う
by the time その頃には,その頃までには
got taken 取られる


The blonde one is nozomi's younger sister, Rin.
blonde 金髪


She's super laid back and bubbly, the exact opposite of her older sister.
laid back のんびりした,くつろいだ
bubbly 陽気な
exact opposite 正反対


Rin has always loved teasing me, and even after I stopped chasing after Nozomi she still used to come over to my house to hangs out a lot.
tease からかう
chase after 後を追いかける
used to... かつて……したものだった
come over 来る
hang out 遊びに出かける


A few days ago she twisted my arm into coming with her on her beach vacation to help with her bags.
twisted my arm into... 無理やり私に……させた
coming with her 彼女に同行する
beach vacation 砂浜の休暇? 「海への旅行」くらいが適切でしょうか?
help with A Aを手伝う


Her husband was away on work, apparently.
husband 夫,旦那
on work 仕事で
apparently どうやら……らしい


Normally I would have just told her to buzz off, but...
Normally 通常なら,いつもなら
buzz off 立ち去れ,目の前からいなくなれ


When Nozomi asked me to help, those old feelings of mine just wouldn't let me say no.



And so we rented a boat and set sail for some fun in the sun.
rent 借りる
set sail 船などで海へと乗り出すこと,出奔する


And by fun, I mean the piece of crap boat we rented sunk and we ended up washing up on some deserted island.
by fun funには「ふざけた」という意味もあることから,「ふざけたことに」くらいが適切かと思われます。
I mean 私が意味するのは……,つまり,
crap だめ,ごみ,くそみたいなあまりよくないものを呼ぶときに使う語です。
sunk 沈んだ
end up (最終的に)~になる
washing up (漂流物が)打ち上げられる



Luckily food isn't hard to come by here.
luckily 幸運なことに
come by 手に入れる


Someone's lively! Haha!
lively にぎやか
someone's lively は直訳すると「誰かがにぎやかである」となるので,日本語では「にぎやかだな」くらいが適切だと考えます。


It's only a matter of time until some...



