



The Only Guy at an All Girls Academy is obligated to PUt OUt ~Sex Service Stalllion Duty~






Head of the literature club


The work of the school's solo boy as a service committee member starts in the morning.
solo ただ一人の
service committee member 奉仕委員


Did such a gentle looking person as this really call me for service?
as this このような
a gentle looking pearson 優しい顔をした人
call me for service サービスのために私を呼んだ


Ah... You're that new boy in the service committee?




Well then, shall we get on with it?
Well then じゃあ
get on with it 始めましょう、とりかかりましょう
⇒it(奉仕委員会としての仕事) に対してのっかるみたいなイメージですね。



Changing room
Head of the swim club


Something I noticed when I became a service committee member is that girls are a whole lot more lustful than I thought; I can get several requests in a day.
Something I noticed when I became a service committee member 奉仕委員になった時に気づいたあること
lustful 性的な欲望がある
a whole lot 沢山の
get several requests いくつもの要請を受ける
can ここでは可能性「……ということがありうる」


Obviously, a service committee member has no time to rest during afternoon recess, so I ate my lunch early and went straight for my next appointment.
Obviously 明確なことだが、明らかに
rest 休む
recess 休憩
afternoon recess お昼の休憩
went straight まっすぐに向かった


P-Pleased to meet you.


It's probably because they're in a girls only school with strict rules, and having to live in dormitories with limited interaction with the outside world.
It's probably because おそらく……だからだ
strict 厳しい
having to この部分は have to を分詞構文の形であらわしたもの。ですから、主語は they で意味としては they have to となります。
dormitories 寮
interaction 交流、つきあい
limited interaction with... ……とは限られた付き合いの
dormitories with の部分は with 以下がその「寮」の特徴について述べています。
outside world 外の世界


Right, where should we... Mng oh...
right さあ


This place will do.
⇒This place(この場所)が do するだろう、つまり、役割を果たすだろうと言っているので、直訳すると「この場所が役割を果たすだろう」となります。


